Thursday, April 2


what good can i do in three days?

it begins with a tug on my tattered jeans, a pull on my hand, an overly hyperactive shout in my ear
of course i'll help you write your letter to God. number 1 through 10? okay. now what do you want to tell God?
4 thank you's. 2 more. a moment of concentrated thought that lasts a bit longer than you would expect from an ADHD 8 year old.
do you want to ask God for anything?
another moment of thought before a decided "no" and 4 more thank you's

you pray like you're talking to a friend. you sing like you don't care who's listening. you sing like you want everyone to hear. you dance like only He can see you. you dance like no one, nothing can ever harm you. you dance like you have been saved. you laugh like you haven't a care in the world.
i cry.

running with no inhibitions..
straight. for. me.
for an 8 year old you sure can knock the wind out of a person
you're clinging, hanging, pulling, tugging
"we have to go NOW. upstairs! NOW! i have to do my reading! you have to come too! you HAVE to!"
and for an 8 year old you sure can be convincing
we make our way through the reading. you're a smart kid Gio. i tell you that.
you beam.
i tell you it's my last day. you hug me but you won't let go. you want to make it last, you say.
i want to make it last too

we smile. we wave. we hug. we hug again.
i hold my tears until my team and i stand outside to pray.

God, i doubted the work i can accomplish in three short days. and i am still unsure of what i have done, but doubt? i have none. in three short days YOU have done so much more in me than i ever dreamed possible.
may the tears now flow freely as my heart grows deeply

lessons learned from an 8 year old:
*though needing everything, you ask for nothing. may i always have such an attitude of thanksgiving.
*may i pray like i am talking to my best friend. may i sing and dance loudly, boldly, and with exceeding joy.
*may i run towards Him with no inhibitions
*may i love unconditionally

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