Friday, August 28


every cloud has a silver lining
and all silver will one day tarnish
as copper loses its will to oxidation - its shiny surface turning green and dusted.
and it brings me back to the third grade. mrs melbourn was my favorite teacher, ali gibbons was my best friend, and i had a crush on robbie - the aspiring actor who sat one row down two seats ahead of me. we had a visitor in class, we watched a movie with little animated dinosaurs and giant molars, we received free toothbrushes and bubblegum flavored floss, and alex curtis was the lucky kid who got permission from the teacher to not brush his teeth and chew the pink tablet and grin for us all to see. i still remember the dirty pink that clung to his teeth, a reminder that some kinds of dirt are invisible.
and i think of how just yesterday we sat together and laughed.
and we were so in love, we didn't even realize it was raining.

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