Thursday, April 8


It's a sunny day - a lovely day - a perfect day amongst perfect days.  With a spring in her step and a warmth in her chest, today everyone deserves a smile. 
And she needs her again, this warm-hearted friend.  So she gives while the sun settles lower in the mist.  And he needs her again, this ever-present friend.  So she gives while her step settles for one bounce less.  And they need her again, this tired-smiling friend.  So she gives while her chin settles down into her chest.
And it's nighttime again. And the rain beats at her windshield. And the wind beats at her hair. And her heart beats a song that crescendos into the silent night. It swells, sustains, withers, falls. With all those to care for, who will care for me? The streetlights speak their monotonous reply - yellow... red... green... silent winks against the slick pavement.
But when she collapses into her lonely bed - tired, cold, and worn thin - she will remember... He is there for her. He will care for her. He will love her, rise the sun for her, coax a smile for her, warm her heart for her. She will remember Him and remember how to smile again.


Heidi said...

Beautiful, Brittany. Seriously. :)

Anonymous said...

I want more