Sunday, August 8

For Remembrance - Pt 1

Do you remember the first time we met?

I noticed you the very moment you walked in. You were wearing that hat you never wear anymore. And you were smiling. Your eyes caught mine for just a second, and it was all I needed to know you were it.

Is it possible to know in an instant if Some One… is The One?

We didn’t meet then, but we met by chance later that evening. I was flustered - you made me nervous and excited all at once - and you made fun of me. I wondered if you felt the same jolt of electricity I felt every time our eyes met. I had never met anyone like you.

From that moment on, we were together. If not in person, in thought and heart. We were magnets, continually being drawn into each other. And throwing logic to the wind, you took my hand and we jumped, falling fast, love-blind into the unknown. It was exhilarating, frightening, and I wanted nothing more than to stay there - in free-fall with you forever.

I want you to remember… because to me, nothing else matters. Yes, we were young then, and we knew nothing. But that truth I felt the first time our eyes met is still alive and well and growing within me. It’s real - and it’s all that I need.

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